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9-8-09 Special Mtg

Minutes of the special meeting of the Borough of Newtown Board of Burgesses on Tuesday, September 8, 2009 at Town Hall South, Newtown.  Warden James Gaston called the meeting to order at 7:57 p.m.

Present:  Warden James Gaston, Senior Burgess Joan Crick, Second Senior Burgess Jay
               Maher, Treasurer and Burgess Marie Walker, Tax Collector Jodie Enriquez,
           Burgess Betsy Kenyon, Clerk and Burgess Darlene Spencer
Absent:   Zoning Officer Jean St. Jean, Burgess Anthony Baiad

        Senior Burgess Crick made a motion to accept the August 11, 2009 meeting minutes subject to the following correction to the first motion on page 7 to state that the motion was seconded by Burgess Baiad and not Burgess Kenyon, seconded by Burgess Spencer and unanimously approved.

        Tree Warden:  Senior Burgess Crick read the Tree Warden’s report as follows:  Work Order #13204 at 27 Hall Lane, maple tree, half dead, within Town’s easements and right of way, was referred to Highway Department for removal.  No work order at 3 West Street, dead maple tree also within Town’s right of way and easements, referred back to Town.  Dying maple tree at 24 Main Street, State tree, referred to State for removal.  Dead ash tree at 6 Hall Lane, within right of way and easements and was previously tagged by former Tree Warden John Mead, referred back to Town.
        Tree Warden McCulloch has not heard back from the Highway Department as to whether or not they will be removing trees referred back to them.  He will follow up on it.  He will be meeting with the State DOT Tree Warden to discuss removing trees at 24 and 49 Main Street and also whether or not there are any grants or assistance the Borough could apply for to have new trees replanted in place of the ones to be removed.  An alternate plan may be to contact Planter’s Choice Nursery and Kimball Excavation to see if they would donate their time and materials to help in replanting along Main Street.
        His report also requested that the Borough purchase tree removal tags to be in compliance with State Statutes and also business cards for him to hand out.

        Discussion was held regarding the printing of tree removal tags and business cards.  Burgess Kenyon said that she would take care of it.

        Warden’s Report:  Warden Gaston led discussion concerning the failed proposal of a new building for the Newtown Hook and Ladder Fire Department.

        Tax Collector's Report:  Tax Collector Enriquez reported the following:  Total Taxes Due for the List of 2008:  $159,409.74.  Current Taxes $156,112.77; Back Taxes $1,165.21; Interest $310.77; Lien Fees $48.00; Return of Overpayments ($11,478.74).  Total Submitted to Treasurer to Date $140,000.00.  Current Taxes Collected 90.7%.

        Burgess Walker made a motion to accept the Tax Collector’s Report, seconded by Burgess Spencer and unanimously approved.

        Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Walker explained the transfers column as it compares to the contingency line item in the 2008-09 cumulative page of the Treasurer’s Report for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2009.

        Burgess Spencer made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2009, seconded by Burgess Maher and unanimously approved.

        Treasurer Walker reported the following:  A deposit of $110,000.00 was made from Tax Collector Enriquez for a total of $140,000.00 to date.  A transfer of $32,000.00 was made and a transfer of $6,000.00 will be made on September 9, 2009 to cover this month’s invoicing leaving a total of $282,170.76 in the NSBMM Account.  Capital Reserve is $1,885.10 as of August 31, 2009.

        Burgess Kenyon made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Burgess Spencer and unanimously approved.

Zoning Officer’s Report:  There was no report in Zoning Officer St. Jean’s absence.

Historic District:  Burgess Kenyon read the Borough of Newtown Historic District’s Annual Report for fiscal year end June 30, 2009.  Some discussion followed.

Sidewalks:  Burgess Maher stated that the sidewalk repair project (58 to 62 Main Street) has been completed.
Warden Gaston asked about the resetting of the sidewalk at 27 Main Street.  Burgess Maher said that he may have to get a permit from the State of Connecticut.  Discussion followed.

Streets & Parks:  Burgess Maher had nothing new to report.

Old Business:  none

New Business:  none

Public Participation:  none

The regular meeting of the Borough of Newtown Board of Burgesses will be held on Tuesday, October 13, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough Office at Town Hall South.

There being no further business, Burgess Walker made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:37 p.m., seconded by Burgess Spencer and unanimously approved.

                                                        Respectfully Submitted,

Darlene M. Spencer
Borough Clerk